
Monday, March 19, 2012

Living in the present…

If we can choose our thoughts, why not choose empowering and joyful ones?  Many of us do not recognize that we are still reacting to old and archaic ideas, ideals, and instructions.  We were deeply hurt in the past and still carry the anger and hatred in our hearts. We put on a happy façade, however, we close our hearts to the amazing gifts that surround us. Resentment, fear, and lack of compassion and forgiveness cloud our life’s journey as if we were driving through a dense fog. But it doesn't have to be that way. We are responsible for our experiences: you can choose to live in love, in peace, in joy, and in trust. You can turn your life into something sacred and cut all the cords that keep you tied to the past.  

Are you ready to reveal your amazing grace to the world?  The YOU, which you have kept inside of a locked box, in the basement of your heart? Envision yourself holding a pair of sharp scissors in your hands. Cut through the ropes that keep you paralyzed and numb.   Feel your power.   See the pain and fear dissolving, making way to love, healing, and forgiveness. Repeat this exercise often and gradually you will be able to love yourself with all the imperfections, cuts, and bruises of life. You can do it. Will you?

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