
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

“I put my best foot forward today.  I look and feel great. I am ready for Life, and I know that the Universe loves me.” Louise Hay
I believe it’s time to embrace this amazing moment and let go of the past without regrets.  How can we move forward with one foot stuck in the past – hoping and wishing our beginnings could have been different? Forgiveness and compassion open the doors to your heart so love and joy can walk through. 

Let’s accept what has happened to us, who we were, and the challenges we had to overcome as badges of honor.  As a sculptor chisels away the rock to reveal a masterpiece, so are the life lessons we have learned along the way - they serve to transform us into amazing, perfect, beautiful, and powerful human beings.  So let’s choose to dream, to spread light in the world, and become the best version of ourselves in 2013 and always!