
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Be the change!

The American writer, Richard Bach once stated that "We are each given a block of marble when we begin our lifetime, and the tools to shape it into a masterpiece." Adversities and challenges serve as life lessons, which help shape your character so you can empower others to new heights and as a result change the world.

My in-laws, for example, survived the Holocaust by living in the forest for many years and suffered as they saw family members being killed right in front of them.  These traumatic events could have made them bitter and skeptical; however, they decided to become an inspiration to those around them.  Their strong character and resilience showed me that you always have a choice on how you want to see the world - a place filled with opportunities and kindness, or fear and resentment.

People like Oprah, Martin Luther King, Helen Keller, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela are just some examples of those who have overcome great hurdles so as to encourage us to be all that we can be despite of our perceived difficulties. 

o   Oprah was abandoned by her parents, sexually molested by family members starting at the age of nine, and lost a child at the age of 14.  However, she went on to teach her audience of more than 10 million around the globe about hope, optimism and compassion.  Oprah employed free will and took an active role in altering the course of her life, consequently showing the world that past is not a predictor of the future.
o   Martin Luther King was one of the most important leaders of the American Civil Rights movement. He was a powerful speaker who encouraged civil disobedience to promote racial equality.  He was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his efforts to end racial discrimination in the United States. 
o   Helen Keller became blind and deaf at 18 months of age, but despite of her adversities she became a known author, speaker, and advocate for people with disabilities and women rights. She is an inspiration to millions.
o   Mahatma Gandhi was a spiritual and political leader and humanitarian who spent many years in jail as he waged nonviolent protests to promote religious tolerance, and civil rights, which helped secure India's independence.
o   Nelson Mandela was in prison for 26 years for opposing South Africa's
white minority government.  He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and was elected the country's president in 1994. He stands for justice and equality among people.  His speech entitled "I have a dream" is one of the most compelling essays of our times.

Those are some of the heroes of our age, who had to overcome insurmountable obstacles to empower and inspire others to make this a better world. So what are you going to do today to uplift yourself and others?  In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see reflected in the world."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Table of Eight

Let’s talk about love… I have recently received an e-mail from a dear friend inviting to be part of her table of eight women who have touched her life. The e-mail also included this message "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.  It is there for each and every one of us."

It would be just great if all of us could just see perfection in everything, every situation, and everyone including ourselves.  Most of us live in fear and doubt.  We judge ourselves and others too harshly and forget to honor who we are and our innate gifts. We take care of everyone else and forget to cherish and love ourselves first.  Therefore, we become too tired and angry.  We blame others for not helping, or understanding, but we are the ones who are crippling ourselves.   The airlines always recommend that we place our mask on ourselves first before helping anyone else with theirs.  So are you living your life with joy, love, and peace?  Are you taking time to go within to recharge daily, even if just for 10 minutes?  In silence you can listen to your intuition and begin to trust it as a compass so as to create the life you truly deserve and sit on your own table of eight.