
Monday, December 5, 2011

In gratitude

Thanksgiving 2011 has come to pass.  Why should we wait for the Holiday Season to be grateful for the blessings in our life?  We get preoccupied with the “stuff” we think we need and forget to appreciate what we already have. For many years Oprah has kept a daily journal to remind her of the things she is thankful for as a way to focus on the abun­dance in her life. Nowadays, as many of us struggle with financial challenges, it takes a concerted effort to pay attention to the miracles occurring all around us.  Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of Simple Abundance, states that some days it can be a challenge to come up with five things to be grateful for, “So I'll write down my basics: my family members and friends, and the comfortable bed that I'm about to get into, as well as the fact that the day's over. That's okay. Real life isn't always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgment of what is working in our lives can help us not only survive, but surmount our difficulties.”  So go ahead, keep a small pad in your car, purse, office, and at home to jot down whatever made you smile or warmed your heart during the day.  Today, for example, my son took my daughter out to lunch, and as they drove away I thanked God for the love between them. Did someone hold the door open for you? Did a friend rely on you for comfort? Was your pet happy to see you upon your return? Did your child draw you a heart? Who knows maybe as you smiled at the grocery store clerk today, your gesture may have given that person hope. Let’s transform the world one person at a time! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Be a Heart Giver!

Thank you for joining our circle to help heal hearts throughout the world. Our goal is to establish a more compassionate planet where we build our lives around our hearts and not force our hearts around our overbooked lives. It is simple! I will send you five glass hearts, and your mission is to place them in the hands of five unsuspecting individuals, who may be in need of some compassion. By being present you will serve as an example of love for others to follow. Light and love to you!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Beginning

No one heals until everyone heals. Eveyone longs for peace in this world but it is crucial to know that peace starts within us. When you are peaceful, you are able to bless everyone with whom you come in contact. Thus, they will express peacefulness, compassion, and love to others along the way.  I believe that we have the responsibility to help others in this lifetime.  So many of my friends are unemployed, with no one and nowhere to turn... It could even be a family member.... We are all in this together. It's simple... I carry small glass hearts in my purse everywhere I go and whenever I see someone going out his or her way to be kind, compassionate, and listen I give one of the hearts.  I was at the DMV the other day and gave one  heart to the lady at the information desk.  She cried and stated "This heart gives me hope and shows that I matter." So be a heart giver.  It's simple and you may just find your purpose in the process. Love and light to you.